Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sock Progress

Unseasonable rain and high wind means more indoor time-time well spent with the self striping yarn. I decided to try a new for me technique-knitting socks from the toe instead of from the cuff. I found it fiddly at first and had to frog many first efforts, but somehow it is turning into a sock.

It's very zen, the repetitive movements, the quiet clicking, the portability of the project. The tops of the trees are swaying back and forth with the wind and the house keeps shaking with every gust. It's a good day to be warm with a basement full of firewood. Not many people can be barefooted in winter, but a wood furnace in the basement keeps the floors warm.

Made lemon curd and blueberry muffins this morning and both are delicious. So much for trying to eat less gluten!

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